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Recipe: Yummy Easy Meat and Cheese Snack

Easy Meat and Cheese Snack.

Easy Meat and Cheese Snack You can have Easy Meat and Cheese Snack using 5 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Easy Meat and Cheese Snack

  1. It's Slices of Roast Beef.
  2. It's Slices of Provolone Cheese.
  3. Prepare of Bread.
  4. Prepare of Mayonnaise, Mustard etc.
  5. It's of Toaster Oven.

Easy Meat and Cheese Snack step by step

  1. Toast 2 slices of bread..
  2. Put roast beef and provolone cheese on bread. Heat for around 30 seconds in microwave..
  3. Take out of the microwave. Fold meat and cheese over one side to uncover the toasted bread underneath. Add mayonnaise and mustard or any desired condiments to bread..
  4. Fold bread with condiments onto meat and cheese to eat snack like a taco and enjoy!.

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